Local Validation meeting in Italy 2°
27 April 2023
Local Validation meeting in Italy 2°
A second validation meeting of the SOURCE project was held online on 18/04/2023. The coordinator AGRIFORM presented the objectives and first results of the SOURCE project to a new group of stakeholders consisting of farmers, vocational trainers and teachers, representatives of third sector and voluntary associations and non-profit organisations, representatives of farmers’ associations and representatives of public administrations.
The farmers were very interested in the presentation of the activities of the SOURCE project and declared that they would contribute to the improvement of the social farming system in the Emilia-Romagna region and at the European level. Vocational and adult trainers and teachers were interested in using the results of the SOURCE project to propose new training plans in Emilia-Romagna for those who want to learn how to develop innovative social farming services. Other stakeholders highlighted the importance of an integrated project design to accompany the launch and strengthening of the whole system of social agricultural services.