
EU survey
31 October 2023 EU survey farming If you are interested in the issues addressed by the SOURCE project, we invite you to take part in the EU survey. The answers will help us to provide stakeholders with important feedback for the development of follow-up projects in the field of social organic farming. Thanks for answering…

The SOURCE newsletter n. 3
30 October 2023 Inside this issue: SOURCE Newsletter n. 3 SOURCE Newsletter n. 3

Final international event
27 October 2023 Final international event Over 100 stakeholders attended final event, which was held online on 26 October 2023. The project staff presented the results, with particular emphasis on policy recommendations to support the development of Social and organic farming and VET training, moderated the meeting and led the final discussion. Speakers from the…

Policy recommendation
25 October 2023 Skills and competencies in social organic farming One of the expected results of the SOURCE project is a policy recommendation plan aimed at promoting support for social organic farming. This was achieved by involving stakeholders from the three project countries in a co-creation process, which was also summarised in a policy paper…

SOURCE Online Final Dissemination Event
19 October 2023 SOURCE Online Final Dissemination Event The SOURCE final dissemination event will take place online on 26/10/2023 at 14:00 (CET) Project Staff and stakeholders from Italy, Hungary and Greece will talk about the results of the project, with testimonies of organic and social farming from the three Countries. Participation is free, but registration…

Skills and competencies in social organic farming
26 September 2023 Skills and competencies in social organic farming The SOURCE project explored which key competences are required in the field of social organic farming to develop the job profile of the social organic farmer and to define the main topics of the training curriculum. Go to the results section to find out more.

5 September 2023 MULTI-STAKEHOLDER ONLINE TABLE was held on 31/08/2023 More than 20 stakeholders from Italy, Hungary and Greece connected online to discuss actions to promote social and organic farming and to improve the skills of the social and organic farmer profile through VET initiatives and policy recommendations. The stakeholders represented organic and social farms,…

The SOURCE newsletter n. 2
14 September 2023 Inside this issue: SOURCE Newsletter n. 2

Successful SOURCE Short-Term Joint Staff Training in Athens
20 June 2023 Successful SOURCE Short-Term Joint Staff Training in Athens The SOURCE Short-Term Joint Staff Training in Athens was very successful. The meeting was hosted by partner NEAGEN on 8-9-10/06/2023. Staff from the partner organisations AGRIFORM, MATE and NEAGEN were all present and the three days of training were very productive for the continuation…

SOURCE Short-Term Joint Staff Training in Athens
30 May 2023 SOURCE Short-Term Joint Staff Training in Athens 8-9-10/06/2023 the SOURCE project training meeting will take place in Athens. The SOURCE Team will meet to finalise the quality of the project results and discuss the implementation of multi-stakeholder consultations to formulate policy recommendations for the development of social-organic farming projects.

The SOURCE newsletter n. 1
25 May 2023 Inside this issue: SOURCE Newsletter n. 1

Best Practice Document
18 May 2023 SOURCE Best pratice A first result of the SOURCE project is the Situation analysis and best practices in social organic farming (Best Practice Document) edited by the Italian partner AGRIFORM with the contribution of the whole project team. The document includes:– a general overview of Social organic farming at European and Partner organization…

Local Validation meeting in Italy 2°
27 April 2023 Local Validation meeting in Italy 2° A second validation meeting of the SOURCE project was held online on 18/04/2023. The coordinator AGRIFORM presented the objectives and first results of the SOURCE project to a new group of stakeholders consisting of farmers, vocational trainers and teachers, representatives of third sector and voluntary associations…

Local Validation meeting in Italy
07 April 2023 Local Validation meeting in Italy The first validation meeting in Italy of the SOURCE project was held online on 29/03/2023. The coordinator AGRIFORM presented the objectives and first results of the SOURCE project to a group of stakeholders consisting of farmers, vocational trainers and teachers, representatives of third sector and voluntary associations…

SOURCE project staff at work online
16 November 2022 SOURCE project staff at work online The SOURCE project team met online several times. In this way it was possible to continuously monitor the progress of the project and the implementation of the activities. The online communication helped us to continue the project tasks and to achieve the expected results. We will…

Starting SOURCE activity
01 July 2022 SOURCE started on 1st February 2019 The kick off meeting of the project was held in Italy, in Parma on 28-29 March 2022, organized by the coordinator AGRIFORM. During the two days meeting representatives of the partner organizations shared project objectives and activities. On the second day, the project team also visited…