Final international event
27 October 2023
Final international event
Over 100 stakeholders attended final event, which was held online on 26 October 2023.
The project staff presented the results, with particular emphasis on policy recommendations to support the development of Social and organic farming and VET training, moderated the meeting and led the final discussion.
Speakers from the three countries of the Consortium presented some experiences in the field of organic and social farming.
Presentation of the results of the project SOURCE
(Rosanna Guardigni – AGRIFORM, Italy)
The role of institutions to support social agriculture: the case of Emilia-Romagna
(Sofia Cei – Emilia-Romagna Agriculture Department, Italy)
Social entrepreneurship – in what form can an organic social farm work?
(Andreas Stefanidis – Academy of Entrepreneurship Greece)
Innovative objectives of organic farming: social sustainability and generational change
(Edoardo Bagnara – Azienda Agricola Cà Colonna, Italy)
The implementation of social organic farming in Hungary – diversification by the Diversity Foundation
(Beatrix Csapó – Hungary)
Policy recommendations to promote social organic farming according to the SOURCE project
(Dimitris Voloudakis – NEAGEN, Greece)
Discussion and conclusion (Apolka Ujj – MATE, Hungary)